Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics Submit Manuscript


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    Erich Cosmi

    Erich Cosmi
    University of Padua, Italy
    Tel: 00393398146745
    Fax: 718-262-5109

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    Executive Editors

    Georgios Androutsopoulos
    Assistant Professor
    Obstetrics - Gynecology
    University of Patras

    Georgios Androutsopoulos has received his PhD in Patras University during the period of 2004-2007. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor& Consultant of Obstetrics - Gynecology in Patras University. He has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities as Lecturer & Consultant of Obstetrics - Gynecology. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like: World J Oncol Res, Obstet Gynecol Int J and J Gynecol Wom Health. He has authored 68 research articles and 4 book chapters. He is a member of the Editorial Board in 23 Scientific Journals. Also, he is Editor in Chief in 1 and Associate Editor in 3 Scientific Journals.

    Research Interest: Obstetrics and gynecology, gynecological oncology.

    URL of Official website: 

    Number of Publications: 67

    More Info.
    Maria Gabriella Verso
    Aggregate Professor
    Health Promotion Sciences
    University of Palermo

    Maria Gabriella Verso was born in Palermo on April 14th 1967. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honours on November 1991 at the University of Palermo (Italy) and specialized in Occupational Health with honours on December 1995. She obtained Clinical ETG certificate (Italian Ultrasound Society) on September 1995. From 1996 to 2016 she worked as specialist in many national and international firms to protect workers' health. Since 2004 she is Researcher in Occupational Health (Scientific sector MED/44) at the School of Medicine of the University of Palermo (Italy) and confirmed Researcher-Assistant Professor from December 2007. Currently, she is teacher of Occupational Health in the Degrees Courses in Medicine, Odontoiatry, Health Care Science and in several Specialization Schools (Occupational health, Hygiene and Legal Medicine).

    Since 2019 is Director of Operative Unit of Occupational Health of the Universitary Hospital of Palermo.

    From January 2015 to December 2018 she was an elected member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine (S.I.M.L.).

    Since 2016 she is a member of the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine Commission on: "Occupational Medicine and gender aspects" and member of the S.I.M.L. scientific board for the drafting of guidelines on the subject of: "Management and prevention of tuberculosis in the workplace".

    From 2017 to 2019 was member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Healthcare and Hygiene.

    She is author and coauthor of 133 scientific publications.

    Palermo, January 19, 2022

    Research Interest: work related diseases, biological hazard in healthcare workers

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    Giovanni Larciprete
    MD, Gynecologist
    Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics
    University of Rome Tor Vergata

    Keywords: Obst Ultrasounds; Laparoscopy; Gynaecological Surgery; Post-Partum Hemorrhage and Operative Obstetrics


    Born in Rome, 6-1-1973. 

    High School Classic Gymnasium with full votes (60/60), on 13-7-1992, in Rome, Liceo Augusto

    Medical School in Tor Vergata University, Rome, with full votes graduation (110 e lode) with thesis on “Hyperinsulinaemia in pregnancy and development of Preclampsia, on 23-7-1997. 

    Residency in Obst/Gyn in Tor Vergata University, Rome, with graduation with full votes  with thesis entitled: fetal subcutaneous tissue thickness and new models for a birthweight prediction algorithm,on 25/11/2002. 

    PhD in Perinatal Medicine in Tor Vergata University (Rome) with thesis entitled: scientific production of a PhD, on  23-11-2007. 

    Consultant in FBF Hospital, Rome, Obst/Gyn dept. 

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    Editorial Board

    Kahraman Ulker
    Associate Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Ankara University School of Medicine

    Research Interest: Reproductive medicine, assisted reproductive technologies, laparoscopic gynecological surgery and isobaric laparoscopic surgery.

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    Mohamed Ahmed I. Laban
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Ain Shams University

    Research Interest: Gynecological cancers, Stem cells therapy; Molecular Biology of Gynaecological Tumours, US and Doppler applications in Obstetrics and Gynecology practices, immunological aspects in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

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    Eduard Kucera
    Gynecological Research
    Charles University
    Czech republic

    Research Interest: endometriosis, endoscopic surgery, cancer prevention,  gynaecologic surgery,  endometrial pathology , estrogen dependent diseases

    List of Publications:

    In English:

    1.    Kucera, E.: Anatomical changes after hysteroscopic transcervical uterine septum resection – is there a place for hysterography? Gynecol.Surgery, 2005; 2 (1): 15-20.

    2.    Otcenasek,M., Krofta ,L., Baca,V., Grill,R., Kucera, E., Herman,H., Vasicka,I., Drahonovsky,J., Feyereisl,J.: Bilateral avulsion of the puborectal muscle - MRI based 3-D reconstruction and comparison with a model of healthy nulliparous women. Ultrasound Obstet.Gynecol., 2007; 29 (6): 692-696. ( IF 2,03 )    

    3.      Kucera, E., Holub,Z.,Svobodova,G.:  Laparoscopic oophorectomy with or without hysterectomy for early breast cancer. Eur.J.Gynaec.Oncol. 2007;XXVIII (4):294-296.

    (IF 0,587)

    4.       Dankovcik, R., Jirasek, J.E.,  Kucera, E., Feyereisl J,  Radonak , J, Dudas M : Prenatal diagnosis of annular pancreas: Reliability of the double bubble sign with periduodenal hyperechogenic band. Fetal Diagn. Ther., 2008; 24 (4): 483-490. ( IF 0,761 )

    5.      Kučera, E., Hejda,V.,Turyna, R.,Otčenášek,M.,Drahoňovský,J.,Feyereisl,J.: Accuracy of intraoperative frozen section during laparoscopic management of early endometrial cancer. Eur.J.Gynaec.Oncol., 2009, XXX( 4): 408-411.  ( IF 0,641)

    6.       Dankovcik, R., Urdzík, P., Lazar,I.,Gresova,A., Radonak, J. A., Jirasek, J.E., Kucera, E.,  Feyereisl J,  , Dudas M : Conservative Management in Three Cases of

    Prenatally Recognized Splenic Cyst Using 2D,3D, Multi-Slice and Doppler Ultrasonography. Fetal Diagn.Ther.,2009; 26 (3): 177-180.  ( IF 0,761 )

    7.      Dankovcik,R., Muranska, S., Kucera,E., Jirasek,J.E.,Feyereisl,J.,Sudak,M., Dudas,M.: Prenatal three dimensional sonographic findings associated with annular pancreas. Fetal Diagn. Ther., 2010;27(1) ( IF 0,761 )

    8.     Drahonovsky,J.,Haakova,L.,Otcenasek,M., Krofta,L.,Kucera,E.,Feyereisl,J.:

    A prospective randomized comparison of vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy, and total laparoscopic hysterectomy in women with benign uterine disease. Eur.J.Obstet.Gynecol.Reprod.Biol.,2010;148 (2): 172-176. (IF 1,56)

    9.       Kucera, E.,Hejda,V.,Valha,P. et al.:Malignant changes in adenomyosis in patiens with endometritid carcinoma. Eur.J.Gynaec.Oncol., 2011, XXXII( 2): 182-184.  ( IF 0,641)

    10.     Dankovčík,R., Vyhnalková,V., Muranská,S.,Kucera,E., Korpová,M., Plicjhtová,A., Miklosová,M., Ferianec,V., Evangelista Jirásek,J., Dudas,M.: Encephalocystocele – Uncommon diagnosis in prenatal medicine. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. 2012;32(4):295-298 ( IF 0,761 )

    11.    Turyna, R., Kachlik, D., Kucera, E., Kujal, P., Feyereisl, J., Baca, V.: Complications in    right-   sided paraaortic lymphadenectomy: Ventral tributaries of the inferior vena cava. Journal of Anatomy,2013,223 (1) :  69-73 ( IF 2,23)

    12.    Záhumenský, J., Závodská,M., Cupaník, V., Kučera,E.: Pórodnická sepsa: Gynekol.prax 2014 ;12(1):xx-xx

    13.     Bobek, V., Kolostová, K., Kucera, E.: Circulating endometrial cells in peripheral   blood. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 2014, 181 (1): 267-274 (IF 1,62)

    14.     Hromadnikova,I., Kotlabova,K., Pirkova,P.,Libalova,P.,Vernerova,Z., Svoboda,B. ,  Kucera,E.: The occurrence of fetal microchimeric cells in endometrial tissues is a very  common phenomenon in benign uterine disorders, and the lower prevalence of fetal microchimerism is associated with better uterine cancer prognoses. DNA and Cell Biol. 2014, 33 (1): 40-48 (IF 1,99)

    15.      Valha, P.,Kucera, E., Sak, P. et al.: Intraoperative subserosal approach to label sentinel nodes in intermediate and high-risk endometrial cancer. Eur. J. Gynac.Oncol. 2015, 36(6): 643-646. ( IF 0,641)

    16.      Dankovcík, R., Varga, J., Kucera, E., Jánošová, S., Ostró, A. :Primary fallopian tube  

                carcinoma. A small retrospective study . Eur. J. Gynac.Oncol 2017, 38(6),  838–840.

    Grants: 6 grants research project in Czech republic

    More Info.
    Haifeng Qiu
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Zhengzhou University

    Research Interest: Etiology, pathology, diagnosis, chemotherapy of gynecologic malignancies like ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and endometrial carcinoma.

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    Luigi Caserta
    Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
    San Vito al Tagliamento Hospital

    Research Interest: Ultrasound scanning during pregnancy (ultrascreen, morfostructural scan and third trimester); Ultrasound scanning in Gynecology, Hysteroscopy, Gynecological Oncology.

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    Pandu R Gangula
    Associate Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Meharry Medical College

    Research Interest: Preeclampisa, Preterm Labor, Gestational Diabetes, Fetal Origins of Adult Disease.

    More Info.
    Georgios A Androutsopoulos
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    University of Patras

    Research Interest: Obstetrics and gynecology and Gynecological oncology.

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    Jinhua Wang
    Department of Gynecologic Oncology
    Nanjing Medical University

    Research Interest: Ovarian cancer and drug resistant.

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    Kerem Doga Seckin
    Associate Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research & Training Hospital

    Research Interest: General obstetrics, General Gynecology, Myoma Uteri, Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Endometriosis, First and second trimester fetal aneuploidy screening tests.

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    William Winkelman
    Research Assistant
    Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
    University of California

    Research Interest: Sexual Dysfunction, Incontinence, Prolapse and Urogynecology.

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    Daniela Marzioni
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Experimental & Clinical Medicine
    Marche Polytechnic University

    Research Interest: Placenta; preeclampsia; IUGR; hydatidiform and invasive moles; choriocarcinoma; endometrium; endometriosis; morphology; cell biology and cell culture.

    More Info.
    Anke Thomas
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
    Charite University of Berlin

    Research Interest: Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine

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    John L Powell
    Professor Emeritus
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    University of North Carolina School of Medicine

    Research Interest: Gynecologic Oncology

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    Rebecca Hill
    Research Officer
    Department of Medicine
    Swansea University

    Research Interest: Breastfeeding, Epidemiology, Midwifery, Maternal obesity, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Qualitative.

    More Info.
    Mete Gurol Ugur
    Associate Professor
    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Gaziantep University

    Research Interest: Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, reproductive endocrinology, endometriosis, surgical techniques of mullerian abnormalities, gynecological malignancies and also perinatology. He is a member of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (TJOD), Society of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery (UTCD), Turkish Society of Society Reproductive Medicine (TSRM), American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)

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