Journal of Clinical Research and Ophthalmology Submit Manuscript
    Review Article

    A review on glaucoma: causes, symptoms, pathogenesis & treatment

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000102

    Published On: March 07, 2024 | Pages: 001 - 004

    Author(s): Mahendra Kumar Sahu*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0002-1339-2408

    Abstract View Full Article View
    Case Report

    Systemic steroids in pediatric pseudotumor cerebri - A case report

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000104

    Published On: March 14, 2024 | Pages: 008 - 010

    Author(s): Shruthi K*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0001-5800-8556

    Abstract View Full Article View

    Posterior sub-tenon injection of triamcinolone in non-resolving vitreoretinitis - A case report

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000103

    Published On: March 14, 2024 | Pages: 005 - 007

    Author(s): Shruthi K*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0001-5800-8556

    Abstract View Full Article View
    Case Series

    Acute vision threatening thyroid orbitopathy associated with cataract surgery: A case series and review of the literature

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-1414.000105

    Published On: May 24, 2024 | Pages: 011 - 016

    Author(s): Christopher R Dermarkarian, Seanna R Grob and Kenneth A Feldman
    Abstract View Full Article View

