Archives of Clinical Hypertension Submit Manuscript

    The Role of Immunohistochemistry in Managing Clinical Hypertension and Other Chronic Inflammatory Processes

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ach.000035

    Published On: June 29, 2024 | Pages: 007 - 009

    Author(s): Antoinette Lona*

    ORCID Logo  0009-0003-5792-5709

    Abstract View Full Article View

    Isolated systolic hypertension in young adults and its relationship with ambulatory blood pressure measurements

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ach.000034

    Published On: May 29, 2024 | Pages: 001 - 006

    Author(s): Espeche W, Minetto J*, Stavile N, Cerri G, C Leiva Sisnieguez, D Olano, JI Perez Duhalde and Salazar MR
    Abstract View Full Article View


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    In Progress

    Structural equation modeling of hypertension risk factors among out-patients of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria

    Author(s): Mutiu A. Sulaimon
    Received Date: 30 Apr, 2021
