Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology Submit Manuscript

    Executive Editor(s)

    Luca Saragoni
    Department of Pathology
    L-Pierantoni-G.B.Morgagni Hospital of Forlì

    Born in Bologna (Italy) the 28th of May, 1966, Graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honours at the University of Bologna in 1991, Specialization with honours in Pathology and Cytology at the University of Parma in 1996, Employed as a pathologist at the General Hospital G.B.Morgagni-L.Pierantoni of Forlì (Italy)  since1993, Pathologist Referent for Regional Program of Screening of cervical, breast and colon cancer, Responsible of the Laboratory of Oncologic and Clinic Cytology in the Department of Pathology since 2002, Co-author of the Manuscript : “Diagnostic and therapeutic protocols in Thyroid Pathology”, considered as guide lines in our Hospital, Speaker in more than 100 National and International Congresses and Scientific Meetings, More than 120 National and International Congresses attended More than 50 Abstract presented at National and International Congresses,-    More than 70 Events of Screening of cervical, colon and breast cancer attended, Member founder of International Gastric Cancer Association, founded  at Kyoto (Japan) in 1995, Member founder of the Italian Research Group of Gastric Cancer, founded in 2001, Teacher in Specialistic Courses of Immunohistochemistry, held for pathologists, biologists and technicians,

    Number of Publications: 141

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    Editorial Board

    Mohamed Arif Bin Hameed Sultan
    General Surgeon & Senior Medical Lecturer
    Department of General Surgery
    University Malaysia Sabah
    Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

    I vow to endure power of empathy and compassion to transcend the boundaries of flesh and bone. Through tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to healing, this eventually left an indelible mark on the world. And as long as there are hearts in need of healing, the legacy will live on, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.

    Research Interest: Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery

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    Ganesh Bhat
    Professor and Head
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Manipal Academy of Higher Education

    Trained in Gastroenterology from reputed institute in India (Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India). I am trained in third space endoscopy (POEM, ESD, EMR) in West China Hospital, Chengdu, China. My special interest is in liver disease- fatty liver disease (MASLD), Cirrhosis and its complication and ACLF

    Research Interest: Fatty Liver Disease (MASLD)                                                         

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    Sukanta Das
    Visiting Instructor
    Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine
    University of Illinois at Chicago

    I did my P.hD. in Biomedical Sciences from Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS, New Delhi, India). After finishing P.hD. I joined the College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago and worked as postdoctoral research associate in the department of Pathology (from 8/15/2018 to 5/19/2023) and Department of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine (from 9/20/2023 to 8/15/2023). Currently, working as a faculty member at the rank of Visiting Instructor in the Department of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago.

    My P.hD. and Postdoctoral training helps me to develop an in-depth knowledge about the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms which play a pro-vital role in the inter-organ and cellular communication in physiological and pathological conditions. My research expertise includes good knowledge in the concept of pre-clinical and clinical biomedical studies; mice models related to biomedical sciences; working with human samples; good understanding and use of new cutting age high-through put technologies. My scholarly publications include articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Hepatology, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hepatology Communication, Gastroenterology, Journal of hepatology, Scientific report, and others. My participation in professional conferences includes poster and oral presentations at national and international conferences such as The Liver Meeting (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, AASLD), International Liver Congress (European association for the Study of the Liver, EASL), Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG),

    International Society for Hepatic Sinusoidal Research (ISHSR), ILBS-TATA invited talk at institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences. In the past as well as in present I am serving as reviewers in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Exploration of Digestive Diseases, Inflammation and in professional conferences such as the Liver Meeting and Digestive Disease Week organized by American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). Currently, I am also serving as editorial board member in Biomedical Sciences and review editor in Frontiers in Gastroenterology.

    Publications List:

    1. Xiaodong Ge, Romain Desert, Fernando Magdaleno, Hui Han, Zhuolun Song, Sukanta Das, Dipti Athavale, Wei Chen, Ines Barahona, Daniel Lantvit, Hui Chen, Sunil Hwang, Natalia Nieto, “Redox-Sensitive High-Mobility Group Box-1 Isoforms Contribute To Liver Fibrosis Progression And Resolution In Mice”, Journal of Hepatology, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2023.11.005.
    2. Dipti Athavale, Ines Barahona, Zhuolun Song, Romain Desert, Wei Chen, Hui Han, Sukanta Das, Xiaodong Ge, Sai Santosh Babu Komakula, Cindy Gao, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Gaskell, Natalia Nieto, “Overexpression of hmgb1 in hepatocytes accelerates pten inactivation induced liver cancer”, Hepatology Communication, 2023, DOI: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000311.
    3. Hui Han, Xiaodong Ge, Sai Santosh Babu Komakula, Romain Desert, Sukanta Das, Zhuolun Song, Wei Chen, Dipti Athavale, Harriet Gaskell, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Natalia Nieto, “Macrophage-derived osteopontin (spp1) protects from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis”, Gastroenterology, 2023, DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2023.03.228.
    4. Wei Chen, Yameng Sun, Shuyan Chen, Xiaodong Ge, Wen Zhang, Ning Zhang, Xiaoning Wu, Zhuolun Song, Hui Han, Romain Desert, Xuzhen Yan, Aiting Yang, Sukanta Das, Dipti Athavale, Natalia Nieto, Hong You, “Matrisome gene-based subclassification of patients with liver fibrosis identifies clinical and molecular heterogeneities”, Hepatology, 2023, DOI: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000423.
    5. Romain Desert 1, Wei Chen, Xiaodong Ge, Roselyne Viel, Hui Han, Dipti Athavale, Sukanta Das, Zhuolun Song, Daniel Lantvi1, Luis Cano3, Alexandra Naba, Orlando Musso, Natalia Nieto, “Hepatocellular carcinomas, exhibiting intratumor fibrosis, express cancer-specific extracellular atrix remodeling and wnt/tgfb signatures, associated with poor outcome,” Hepatology, 2023, DOI: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000362.
    6. Zhuolun Song, Hui Han, Xiaodong Ge, Sukanta Das, Romain Desert, Dipti Athavale, Wei Chen, Sai Santosh Babu Komakula, Daniel Lantvit and Natalia Nieto, “Deficiency of neutrophil high-mobility group box protein-1 in liver transplant recipients exacerbates early allograft injury in mice,” Hepatology, 2023, DOI: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000346.
    7. Sukanta Das, Zhuolun Song, Hui Han, Xiaodong Ge, Romain Desert, Dipti Athavale, Sai Santosh Babu Komakula, Fernando Magdaleno, Wei Chen, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Natalia Nieto, “Intestinal osteopontin protects from alcohol-induced liver injury by preserving the gut microbiome and the intestinal barrier function”, Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2022,
    8. Dipti Athavale, Zhuolun Song, Romain Desert, Hui Han, Sukanta Das, Xiaodong Ge, Sai Santosh Babu Komakula, Wei Chen, Shenglan Gao, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Natalia Nieto, “Ablation of high-mobility group box-1 in the liver reduces hepatocellular carcinoma but causes hyperbilirubinemia in Hippo signaling-deficient mice”, Hepatology Communication, 2022,
    9. Romain Desert, Xiaodong Ge, Zhuolun Song, Hui Han, Daniel Lantvit, Wei Chen, Sukanta Das, Dipti Athavale, Ioana Abraham-Enachescu, Chuck Blajszczak, Yu Chen, Orlando Musso, Grace Guzman, Yujin Hoshida, Natalia Nieto, “Role of Hepatocyte-Derived Osteopontin in Liver Carcinogenesis”, Hepatology Communication, 2022,
    10. Sukanta Das, Xiaodong Ge, Hui Han, Romain Desert, Zhuolun Song, Dipti Athavale, Wei Chen, Harriet Gaskell, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Natalia Nieto, “The Integrated “Multiomics” Landscape at Peak Injury and Resolution From Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease”, Hepatology Communication, 2022,
    11. Zhuolun Song, Wei Chen, Dipti Athavale, Xiaodong Ge, Romain Desert, Sukanta Das, Hui Han, Natalia Nieto, “Osteopontin takes center stage in chronic liver disease”, Hepatology, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/hep.31582 (Review article).
    12. Wei Chen, Romain Desert, Xiaodong Ge, Hui Han, Zhuolun Song, Sukanta Das, Dipti Athavale, Hong You, Natalia Nieto, “The Matrisome Genes From Hepatitis B–Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Unveiled”, Hepatology Communications, 2021,
    13. Hui Han, Romain Desert, Sukanta Das, Zhuolun Song1, Dipti Athavale1, Xiaodong Ge1, NataliaNieto, “Danger signals in liver injury and restoration of homeostasis”, Journal of Hepatology , 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.04.033 (Review article).
    14. Adil Bhat, Sukanta Das, Gaurav Yadav, Sudrishti Chaudhary, Ashish Vyas, Islam M, Abhishak C Gupta, Meenu Bajpai, Rakhi Maiwall, Jaswinder Singh Maras, Shiv K Sarin, “Hyperoxidized albumin modulates platelet and promotes inflammation through CD36 receptor in severe alcoholic  epatitis”, Hepatology Communication, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1440.
    15. Harriet Gaskell, Xiaodong Ge, Romain Desert, Sukanta Das, Hui Han, Daniel Lantvit, Grace Guzman, Natalia Nieto, “Ablation of Hmgb1 in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Causes Intestinal Lipid Accumulation and Reduces NASH in Mice”, Hepatology Communication, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1448.
    16. Jaswinder Singh Maras, Sukanta Das, Adil bhat, Ashish Kumar Vyas, Gaurav Yadav, Sudrishti Chaudhary, Sukriti Sukriti, Abhishak C gupta , Chagan Bihari, Rakhi Mahiwal, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Dysregulated lipid transport proteins correlates with the pathogenesis and outcome in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis”, Hepatology Communication, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1438.
    17. Sukanta Das, Md. Shabir Hussain, Jaswinder Singh Maras, Jitendra Kumar, Shasthry S M, Suman Nayak, Vinod Arora, Rajan V, Shvetank Sharma, Rakhi Maiwall, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Modification patterns of urinary albumin correlates with serum albumin and outcome in severe alcoholic  epatitis”, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 2019, DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000990.
    18. Sukriti S, Choudhary MC, Maras JS, Sharma S, Thangariyal S, Singh A, Das S, Islam M, Sharma S, Trehanpati N, Gupta E, Sarin SK, “Extracellular vesicles from hepatitis B patients serve as reservoir of hepatitis B virus DNA”, Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2018, DOI: 10.1111/jvh.12995.
    19. Jaswinder Singh Maras, Sukanta Das, Sachin Sharma, Sukriti Sukriti, Jitendra kumar, Ashish Kumar Vyas, Dhananjay Kumar, Adil Bhat, GauravYadav, Manish Chandra Choudhary, Shvetank Sharma, Guresh kumar, Chhagan Bihari, Nirupma Trehanpati, Rakhi Maiwall & Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Iron- Overload triggers ADAM-17 mediated infammation in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis”, Scientific Reports, 2018, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28483-x.
    20. Jaswinder Singh Maras, Sukanta Das, Shvetank Sharma, Saggere M Shasthry, Benoit Colsch, Christophe Junot, Richard Moreau, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Baseline urine metabolic phenotype in  atients with severe alcoholic hepatitis and its association with outcome”, Hepatology Communication, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1176.
    21. Sukriti S, Maras JS, Bihari C, Das S, Vyas AK, Sharma S, Hussain S, Shasthry S, Choudhary A, Premkumar M, Kumar D, Kumar G, Mukhopadhyay C, Kumar A, Trehanpati N, Rautou PE, Moreau R6, Sarin SK, “Microvesicles in hepatic and peripheral vein can predict nonresponse to corticosteroid therapy in severe alcoholic hepatitis”, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018, DOI: 10.1111/apt.14564.
    22. Sukanta Das, Jaswinder Singh Maras, Rakhi Maiwall, Shasthry S M, Md. Shabir Hussain, Shvetank Sharma, S. Sukriti, T.P.Singh, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Molecular Ellipticity of Circulating Albumin- Bilirubin Complex Associates With Mortality in Patients With Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis”, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.11.022.
    23. Shvetank Sharma, Jaswinder S. Maras, Sukanta Das, Shabir Hussain, Ashwani K. Mishra, Saggere M. Shasthry, Chhagan B. Sharma, Emmanuel Weiss, Laure Elkrief, Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou, Hélène Gilgenkrantz, Sophie Lotersztajn, Valérie Paradis, Pierre de la Grange, Christophe Junot, Richard Moreau, Shiv K. Sarin, “Pre-therapy liver transcriptome landscape in Indian and French patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis and steroid responsiveness”, Scientific Reports, 2017, DOI:  0.1038/s41598-017-07161-4.
    24. Sukanta Das, Jaswinder Singh Maras, Md Hussain, Shvetank Sharma, Paul David, Sukriti Sukriti, Saggere Muralikrishna Shasthry, Rakhi Maiwall, Nirupama Trehanpati, Tej P Singh, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Hyperoxidized albumin modulates neutrophils to induce oxidative stress and inflammation in  evere alcoholic hepatitis”, Hepatology, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/hep.28897.
    25. Jaswinder Singh Maras, Rakhi Maiwall, HC Harsha, Sukanta Das, Md Hussain, Chandan Kumar, Chhagan Bihari, Archana Rastogi, Manoj Kumar, Nirupama Trehanpati, Shvetank Sharma, Akhilesh Pandey, Shiv Kumar Sarin, “Dysregulated iron homeostasis is strongly associated with multiorgan failure and early mortality in acute-on-chronic liver failure”, Hepatology, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/ hep.27636.

    More Info.
    Vedat Goral
    Istanbul Medipol University

    He had graduated medical school at Diyarbakir University.  Professor Vedat Goral is currently working at the Department of Gastroenterology, at Istanbul Medipol University School of Medicine. Previous to this, he was working at the Dicle University from 1987 to 2012 and Izmir Medicalpark Hospital from 2012 till 2017. His specific teaching and research interests are in the areas of Gastroenterology (endoscopy, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and ERCP). He has also published many refereed articles in journals covered by SCI, and contributed some to Turkish books written in Turkish. Also, he has many abstracts at national and international congress.

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    Upender Manne
    Department of Pathology
    University of Alabama at Birmingham

    Research Interest: GI and Breast Cancers, Cancer Biomarkers, Health Disparities, Molecular Markers, Translational Cancer Research.

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    Amolak Singh
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Radiology
    University of Missouri Health Care

    Research Interest: Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Cardiovascular.

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    Igor Sukhotnik
    Associate Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Technion- Israel Institute of Technology

    Research Interest: Short bowel syndrome, Lypopolisacharide endotoxemia and bowel integrity, Intestinal ishemia-reperfusion, Apoptosis and germ cells in infertility, Abdominal compartment syndrome, Chemotherapy induced intestinal damage, Intestinal stem cells.

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    Khalid Rashid
    Department of Medicine
    Baptist Health System
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    Kumar Sandrasegaran
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Indiana University

    Research Interest: Liver imaging, pancreas imaging, CT, MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging, perfusion MRI.

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    Bharat B Aggarwal
    Department of Experimental Therapeutics
    University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

    Research Interest: Therapeutics.

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    Kurt Davis
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Uniformed Services University

    Research Interest: General Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery.

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    Atiye Aktay
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatrics
    Case Western Reserve University
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    Ajay Goel
    Gastrointestinal Cancer Research Laboratory
    Baylor University Medical Center

    Research Interest: 

    The genetics and epigenetic basis of gastrointestinal cancers, Familial cancers and polyposis syndromes, Cancer epigenetics, including the role of DNA methylation, Non‐coding RNA and microRNAs and their role in cancer pathogenesis, Molecular pathology and diagnostics for gastrointestinal cancers, Prognostic and predictive biomarkers for colorectal cancer, Cancer disparities among different racial/ethnic populations, Personalized medicine for gastrointestinal cancers, Chemoprevention, using complementary and alternative approaches.

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    Ian Leonard Phillip Beales
    Department of Gastroenterology
    University of East Anglia

    Research Interest: Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, inflammatory bowel disease, Microscopic colitis, Signal transduction and Pharmacology.

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    Justin Davies
    Associate Professor
    Clinical Director for Digestive Diseases
    University of Cambridge

    Research Interest: Cancer Research and Bowel Disease.

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    Nikica Druzijanic
    Department of Abdominal Surgery
    University of Split

    Research Interest: Surgical treatment of colorectal cancer (open and laparoscopic), Surgical treatment of IBD, MIS-laparoscopic abdominal surgery, Multimodal treatment of gastric cancer, Main research interest is the field of Surgical management in gastrointestinal oncology.

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    Christian R Habermann
    Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
    Catholic Marien Hospital

    Research Interest: Imaging, Gastric Cancer, Liver Disease, HCC and Interventional Therapy.

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    Ulrich Ronellenfitsch
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
    University of Heidelberg

    Research Interest: Gastrointestinal Oncology; Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders; Multimodal Treatment; Stomach Cancer; Espohageal Cancer and Surgery.

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    Maria Moschovi
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatrics
    University of Athens

    Research Interest: Oncology, International Society of Pediatric Oncology, European Hematology Association, Histiocyte Society and European Society of Paediatric Haematology and Immunology.

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    Maria Gazouli
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Basic Medical Science
    University of Athens

    Research Interest: Molecular biology, genetics, inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal cancers.

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    Radwan Kassir
    Department of Digestive Surgery
    University Hospital Center of Saint-Etienne

    Research Interest: Surgery, Baraitric Surgery, Sleeve, Bypass, Digestive Surgery and General Surgery.

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    Nagahito Saito
    Department of Hematological Clinician
    Nemuro City Hospital

    Research Interest: H. Pylori, morphology, ultrastructure, immunoelectron microscopy, hematology, white blood cell and macrophage.

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    Toru Ishikawa
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Niigata University

    Research Interest: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Portal hypertension and Hepatitis.

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    Takahiro Sato
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Suleyman Demirel University

    Research Interest: Portal hypertension Varices Endoscopic treatment for gastrointestinal bleeding IVR Endoscopic ultrasonography Ultrasound.

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    Naoki Hotta
    Associate Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Nagoya University

    Research Interest: Imaging, Non-invasive Liver Fibrosis Imaging.

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    Amedeo Amedei
    Department of Internal Medicine
    Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi
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    Roberto Manfredi
    University of Bologna

    Research Interest: HIV/AIDS, antimicrobial chemotherapy, opportunistic infections and chronic hepatitis.

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    Luca Ventura
    Division of Pathology
    San Salvatore Hospital

    Research Interest: Pathology, Histopathology, Immunohistochemistry and History of Medicine.

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    Francesco Papadia
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences Integrated
    University of Genoa

    Research Interest: Pancreatic surgery, Surgical Oncology and Global Epidemic Obesity.

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    Cosimo Sperti
    Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology
    University of Padua

    Research Interest: Liver Surgery.

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    Natale Figura
    Associate Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    University of Siena

    Research Interest: H. pylori infection; Virulence factors and extradigestive diseases associated with H. pylori infection.

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    Pasquale Perrotti
    Division of Surgery
    San Dona di Piave Hospital
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    Massimo Rugge
    Department of Pathology
    Padova University

    Research Interest: Gastrointestinal pathology, Stomach cancer, Gastritis, Liver Pathology and Barrett Esophagus.

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    Claudio Guarneri
    Institute of Dermatology
    University of Messina

    Research Interest: The fields of his principal scientific investigations are focused on pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of psoriasis, comorbidities and biotechnological treatments - infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on parasitic infestations and venereal diseases - Cutaneous adverse drug reactions and pharmacovigilance - Diagnosis.

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    Jose Altamirano
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Vall d Hebron Institut de Recerca

    Research Interest: Cirrhosis, Alcoholic Liver Disease, Alcoholic Hepatitis, Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease, Portal Hypertension and Molecular Biology.

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    Jose M Ramia
    Department of Surgery
    University of Alcala
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    Ervin Toth
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Skane University

    Research Interest: Innovative endoscopy, chromoendoscopy, capsule endoscopy, inflammatory bowel disease, GI bleeding and GI tumors.

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    Brian Kim-Poh Goh
    Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary and Transplantation Surgery
    Singapore General Hospital

    Research Interest: Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery especially cancers involving the liver, gallbladder, bile duct and pancreas.

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    Ker Kan Tan
    Assistant Professor
    Division of Colorectal Surgery
    University Surgical Cluster

    Research Interest: Colorectal Cancer, Laparoscopic surgery, Diverticular Disease, Emergency operations, Health services research, Basic science research and anal fistula.

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    Abdulrahman A Aljumah
    Associate Professor
    Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist
    King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Hepatologist and Liver Transplant.

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    Mohammed Naeem
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pediatrics
    King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University
    Saudi Arabia
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    Marian Batovsky
    Head of Gastroenterological Clinic
    Slovak Medical University

    Research Interest: Inflammatory bowel disease - genetics in gastroenterology - colorectal carcinoma.

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    Anderson Luiz-Ferreira
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biological Sciences
    Federal University of Goias

    Research Interest: Medicinal plants in the pathophysiology of the diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcers and inflammatory bowel disease).

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    Rommel R Burbano
    Institute of Biological Sciences
    Federal University of Para

    Research Interest: Oncology, Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy.

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    Cancer Institute of Sao Paulo
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    Eduardo GH De Moura
    Associate Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: Therapeutic Endoscopy; Endoscopic Bariatric Procedures; ERCP; Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection.

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    Everson L.A. Artifon
    Associate Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: Surgery and Endoscopy.

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    Luciano Henrique Lenz Tolentino
    Deaprtment of Gastroenterology
    Federal University of Sao Paulo
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    Genoile Oliveira Santana
    Department-IBD Uni
    Federal University of Bahia

    Research Interest: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

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    Bruna Maria Roesler
    Assistant Professor
    Center of Diagnosis of Digestive
    University of Sao Paulo

    Research Interest: Helicobacter pylori and gastrointestinal diseases Helicobacter pylori.

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    Hua-chuan Zheng
    Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology
    Liaoning Medical University

    Research Interest: Gastroenterolgical Cancers, Pathology, Molecular Biology; Animal model; transgenic model.

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    Assistant Professor
    Department of Gastroenterology
    Tongji University

    Research Interest: Pharmacotherapeutics of chronic liver diseases; Early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors; Evidence-based medical research of digestive diseases; Effects of autophagy in liver diseases and other digestive tumors.

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    Shucheng Zhang
    Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University

    Research Interest: Gastrointestinal motility; Hirschsprung’s Disease; Pediatric oncology and Neuroblastoma.

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    Qu Bao-Ge
    Department of Gerontology
    Taishan University
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    Jiang-feng Xu
    Zhejiang University

    Research Interest: Hepatology, J Hepatology and Cancer.

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    Dong Yi Kim
    Department of Surgery
    Chonnam National University Hospital

    Research Interest: DNA methylation in gastric cancer and tumour biomarker.

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    Mushtaq Chalkoo
    Associate Professor
    Government Medical College
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    Sorin Olariu
    Associate Professor
    Head of Surgical Clinic
    Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy

    Research Interest: Biliary surgery, colorectal surgery, gastric, abdominal wall, obesity surgery and oncologic surgery.

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    Arda Isik
    Associate Professor
    Department of General Surgery
    Erzincan University

    Research Interest: Colorectal diseases, colorectal surgery, endoscopy, minimally invasive surgery, surgical oncology, trauma and emergency surgery, thyroid disease, perianal disease, hernia, breast disease,health care management, clinical and experimental research, database management, fund raising, surgical education, medical education and ethics.

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