Open Journal of Tropical Medicine Submit Manuscript

    Aims and Scope

    The Open Journal of Tropical Medicine is an international, open access, a peer reviewed academic and distinguished journal, which covers the outstanding and most update research works/peak quality papers on related to Tropical Medicine. The journal will publish articles of interest to microbiologists, epidemiologists, virologists, parasitologists, pharmacologists, and clinicians or scientists. Manuscript will be published in more formats which never gets those formats from other open access platforms.

    Open Journal of Tropical Medicine provides consistent information to update online viewers with the adapted methods and latest advancements in the field of Tropical Medicine. It is dedicated to publishing and disseminating all the trendy and top-tier original research articles, reviews, case reports, editorials, letter to editor, commentaries, short communications, Perspectives, and opinions etc. in all areas of clinical, basic and relevant research to Tropical Medicine.

    Pharmacological studies, biological studies, molecular biological studies, pathological studied, physiological studies, gene studies on treatment and management for these alarming global emergence and re-emergences of infectious diseases are our focuses, too. The journal publishes all the articles in the field of Tropical Medicine and topics of interest include, but are unlimited to:

    Subject areas:
    • Tropical biomedicine
    • Leprosy review
    • Toxocariasis
    • Clinical Pathology
    • Infectious Diseases
    • Epidemiology
    • Tropical Diseases
    • Neglected Tropical Diseases
    • Well-publicized killers such as malaria
    • HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis
    • Venomous animals and Toxins including tropical diseases
    • Vector borne diseases
    • Tropical pediatrics
    • Tropical Public Health
    • Clinical Infectious Diseases
    • Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology
    • Tropical Gastroenterology
    • Tropical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
    • Tropical Pharmaceutical Research
    • The journal particularly pays attention to tropical disease, such as dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever, kala azar, anthracia pestis, malaria, leishmaniasis, tsutsugamushi, cholera, plague, schistosomiasis, filariasis, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, hookworm infections,  trypanosomatosis, leprosy, yellow fever, babesiasis, Lyme disease, enzootic hepatitis, avian influenza, red tide, influenza, African meningitis, tuberculosis, epidemic polyarthritis, Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis and other parasitological diseases and zoonoses, which have repeatedly caused major epidemics regionally.
