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Qadir MI, Tahir A (2018) A prospective study on the co-relation between blood group and sleeping hours. Arch Hematol Case Rep Rev 3(1): 007-008. DOI: 10.17352/ahcrr.000013Objective of present study was to correlate blood grouping with sleeping hours. Total subjects were 191. Add drop of water on slide sterilize your finger. Took needle and then prick upper portion of your finger make three spots on slide. Add small amount of antisera A, B and D. Mix it and after few second identify blood group. Subjects were the students of Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. We asked question from them and organized data. In female, A+ blood group takes more sleep while AB- takes less sleep. In male B+ blood group take more sleep while O- and AB- take less.
The classification of human blood group was based on the inherited characteristics of red blood cells as perceived by the presence or absence of the antigens A and B, which was taken out on the surface of the red cells. Subjects had different blood types A, B, AB, and O.O+ is the most common blood type because it can donate to all other blood type except O-. It can receive both from O+ and O-.The universal donor of blood group is O-[1]. There are 45 different types of Rh agglutinogens, each of them named as Rh factor. Three antigens C, D, and E are fairly common. In rhesus monkey Rh antigen was first identified. ABO and Rh factor were reported together as a rule [2].
Normally, 8 hours are needed to sleep in a day for adults but the sleeping duration is different in different individuals. Sleeping duration of different individuals must be 6-9 hours. Environmental and behavioral factors which effects the sleeping hours. For example; many people live in hot environment they have short time duration to sleep as compared to cold environment. There are two different types of people larks and owls. Larks are morning type they feel comfort in day time work. And owls are evening type people they feel comfort to work in evening. 7.5 hours is sleeping time at age of 20 years, at the age of 40 total sleeping times is 7 hours, at the age of 60 people sleep 6.2 hours, at the age of 70 total sleeping times is 6 hours and at the age of 80 people only sleeps for 5.8 hours.
Objective of presence study was to correlate blood grouping with sleeping hours.
Take all the components that are required. We added a drop of water on slide then sterilized your finger. Took a needle and pricked upper portion of a finger and made three spots of blood on a slide and added small amount of antisera A, B and D. After adding it we mixed it and after a few seconds, we noted the precipitates were formed. The precipitate form showed the blood group of subjects.
I designed a project about variations in sleeping hours of humans. Total subjects were 191. Subjects were the students of Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. First step was identification of blood groups of subjects. Then I asked the question from every subject having variation in their sleeping hours and then organized data.
Statistical analysis were performed by using MS Excel were given as mean ± SD.
A prospective study on the co-relation between blood group and sleeping hours [3-10]. The females who possess A+ blood group sleep more and males who possess B+ blood group sleep more.
No recent search had been reported on correlation of blood group and sleeping hours. But work on sleep deprivation linked with blood pressure was done.
In female, A+ blood group sleeps more while AB- sleeps less. In male B+ blood group sleep more while O- and AB- sleep less.
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