Objective: Risk factors relating the surgical outcomes of lower leg traumatic compartment syndrome in Vietnam.
Patients and method: We retrospected 26 patients diagnosed with leg compartment syndrome who were operated at Saint Paul University Hospital from 2009 to 2013. Our study assessed relevant factors:the duration from injury time to operative time, symptoms of sensory loss, motion loss, vascular Doppler signal loss and increased CPK level. Other less relevant factors: pain, stiffness and swelling of leg, GOT/GPT, Urea/ Creatinine, white blood cell count.
Results: The more prolonged duration from injury time to operative time the more severe prognosis. Sensory loss, motion loss and vascular Doppler signal loss are major prognosed factors. The higher CPK level the severe prognosis, in particularly with CPK level > 12000 U/L. Symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling of leg don’t have prognostic significance. GOT/GPT, Urea/ Creatinine, white blood cell count are less significant in prognosis.
Conclusion: The factors have tight relationship with the surgical results of lower leg compartment syndrome is: clinical sign, Doppler signal and CPK level.
Keywords: Compartment syndrome; Fasciotomy; Risk factors
Published on: Dec 4, 2017 Pages: 72-74
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DOI: 10.17352/ojt.000015
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